July 29th, 2020

Good hygiene for coronavirus (COVID-19)

When you are well

Everyone – even when well – can help slow the spread of COVID-19.

This means:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water. This includes before and after eating and after going to the toilet
  • use alcohol-based hand sanitisers when you can’t use soap and water
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • clean and disinfect surfaces you use often such as benchtops, desks and doorknobs
  • clean and disinfect objects you use often such as mobile phones, keys, wallets and work passes
  • use tap and go instead of cash where possible
  • increase the amount of fresh air by opening windows or changing air conditioning

There is no evidence that alcohol-free hand rubs are effective against viruses like COVID-19. Experts recommend you don’t use them.

When you are sick

As we move towards living COVIDSafe, it is important that you stay at home if you feel unwell. You should also continue to practise good hygiene.

If you have cold or flu like symptoms you should seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19. You should get tested even if your symptoms are mild.

If you have COVID-19 you must isolate and follow the directions of your local Public Health Unit.

Image and Source: https://www.health.gov.au/