September 14th, 2023

QHFP is MyMedicare registered

Over the last few months, we have been getting ready for the commencement of voluntary patient registrations for MyMedicare.

MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model initiated by the Australian government. It aims to strengthen the relationship between patients and their general practice care teams by facilitating improved quality and continuity of care.

From October 1, 2023 patients will be able to register with a chosen general practitioner (GP) at their preferred general practice.

We are encouraging our regular patients to register with us when the registration becomes open. This will allow us to:

  • Provide you with greater continuity of care, thereby improving health outcomes.
  • Provide you with longer MBS-funded telephone calls (Levels C and D)
  • Continue bulk billing children under 16, pensioners, and concession card holders with the triple bulk billing incentives offered for this cohort.

We will be providing more information regarding the registration process when it becomes available in the next few days.

If you would like to know more about MyMedicare, please visit:

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